Considering Rooftop Solar? Call Your Local EMC Before You Install
As your trusted energy advisor, your local EMC can help you make smart energy investments, including right-sizing a rooftop solar installation to best meet your needs, goals and financial objectives. They can help you understand your current electricity use, the many important factors to consider with a rooftop solar installation and what you can expect to gain from your investment.
Review the resources on this page or contact your local EMC to speak with an experienced energy advisor.

Is Rooftop Solar
Right for You?
Ask yourself these questions to determine if a rooftop solar installation makes sense for your electricity needs and financial goals.

Questions to Ask a
Solar Installer
From expected electricity generation to financing arrangement, be sure to ask a solar installer these important questions.

Be Aware: Get the Facts Without the Fiction
Unfortunately, there has been a significant increase in reports of consumers being misinformed by some solar installers. Be cautious of these statements as you consider a rooftop solar installation.

Many Georgia EMCs offer a Cooperative Solar Program which allows consumers to participate in community-scale solar projects located across the state. Learn the key differences between Cooperative and Rooftop Solar.